The direction of the industry is to reduce the number of procedure manipulations with the goods in all ways related to the logistics of goods from production to sales rack.
That are cardboard palettes really a trend is also confirmed by one of the largest furniture producers in the world - IKEA. Instead of wooden pallets, weighing 25 kilograms, Ikea started using cardboard pallets in March 2012, weighing 3 kilos and suitable for single use only (source).
First is the EU directive, which gives the task to countries of the EU, in accordance with their existing laws, to implement the requirements of the Directive into their national legal system and reach goals.
The aim is to reduce the use of wood for the manufacture of wooden packaging and pallets according to environmental aspects (possible transfer of insecticides, bacteria, viruses and other harmful things).
The second is environmental awareness, the production of wooden pallets is causing over excessive deforestation.
Cardboard pallets are labeled as organic products because they are made from corrugated cardboard. Corrugated cardboard is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century and protects the product during shipping.
Corrugated cardboard is also one of the few packaging materials, approved by the European Commission for packaging and packaging waste.